Mastering MERN Stack Development: From Basics to Full-Stack Applications Course in Lahore



Mastering MERN Stack Development: From Basics to Full-Stack Applications

Duration: 2 Months

Week 1: Introduction to Web Development & JavaScript

  • Lesson 1: Overview of Web Development
    • What is MERN Stack?
    • Importance of Full-Stack Development
    • Understanding how the stack works (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js)
  • Lesson 2: JavaScript Fundamentals
    • Variables, Data Types, and Operators
    • Control Structures: Loops, Conditions
    • Functions and Arrays

Week 2: Introduction to Node.js and Express.js

  • Lesson 1: Understanding Node.js
    • What is Node.js and why use it?
    • Setting up Node.js on your local machine
    • Asynchronous programming in Node.js
  • Lesson 2: Building with Express.js
    • Introduction to Express.js framework
    • Setting up a basic web server with Express
    • Creating routes and handling HTTP requests

Week 3: MongoDB for Data Management

  • Lesson 1: Introduction to MongoDB
    • NoSQL vs SQL databases
    • Installing and setting up MongoDB locally
    • Understanding collections and documents
  • Lesson 2: CRUD Operations with MongoDB
    • Creating, Reading, Updating, and Deleting data
    • Connecting MongoDB with Express.js
    • Using Mongoose for MongoDB data models

Week 4: Frontend Development with React.js

  • Lesson 1: Introduction to React.js
    • What is React.js and its advantages
    • Setting up a React project using Create React App
    • Understanding components, props, and state
  • Lesson 2: Building Dynamic UI with React
    • Handling user input with forms
    • Conditional rendering and loops in React
    • State management using hooks

Week 5: Full-Stack Integration

  • Lesson 1: Connecting Frontend with Backend
    • Fetching data from an Express API using React
    • Handling asynchronous operations (Axios, Fetch)
    • Building a simple full-stack application
  • Lesson 2: Authentication and Authorization
    • JWT-based authentication in a MERN app
    • Protecting routes and managing sessions
    • Implementing role-based access control

Week 6: Advanced MERN Stack Features

  • Lesson 1: Advanced React Concepts
    • Context API for global state management
    • React Router for navigation
    • Optimizing performance (React.memo, useMemo)
  • Lesson 2: API Design and Optimization
    • RESTful APIs in Express.js
    • Pagination, filtering, and sorting in APIs
    • Error handling and best practices

Week 7: Deployment and Hosting

  • Lesson 1: Deploying MERN Stack Applications
    • Hosting your backend on platforms like Heroku or DigitalOcean
    • Deploying frontend using services like Netlify, Vercel
    • Managing environment variables in production
  • Lesson 2: Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
    • Setting up GitHub workflows for CI/CD
    • Automated testing and deployment pipelines
    • Monitoring and managing deployed applications

Week 8: Final Project & Course Wrap-Up

  • Final Project: Build a Complete MERN Stack Application
    • Design and develop a full-stack web application
    • Implement user authentication, data management, and dynamic UI
  • Course Wrap-Up: Certificate of completion and final review

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